Friday 1 May 2020

Lockdown collaboration

During  lockdown, the Sommerville CoL teachers have been collaborating regularly. On one occasion, we were fortunate to have Fiona join us as well.
As a team, we compiled a range of questions around collaboration that we sent out to staff. We collated the data and I will extract the information that I require for my inquiry.
My colleagues Natasha and Sharon will focus on 'How does effective collaborative teaching have a positive impact on learning within the hub/class?'

You can check out Natasha and Sharon's blog for more details.

Initial Data Collection

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you think collaboration is beneficial ?. Number of responses: 42 responses.
From the data we collected, we were able to recognise that staff at Sommerville agrees that collaboration is beneficial. How we collaborate can be viewed differently.
Forms response chart. Question title: Do you collaborate when teaching?. Number of responses: 42 responses.
Looking at the data collected from the question above, we wanted to find out if people believe they are involved in a collaborative planning partnership and if so, who is involved in their collaboration. The data shows us that over half of the staff feel they plan collaboratively; this is a great statistic for us to work with. We can spend time learning about the barriers for those who plan individually. I would also like to further investigate co-teaching. Will this work for our students with diverse needs.

1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see if the number of staff planning collaboratively changes over the next couple of years. I have high hopes that it increases signficantly!
