Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Learn. Create, Share

Complexities of writing

For many of the students I work with, some of whom have complex communication needs and/or relatively limited experiences of generating language, writing presents many challenges. 

Image result for writing difficulties

To develop writing skills Jane Farrall says, that children need to learn to generate an idea, to think about language, think about the words, the spelling, controlling their “writing tool”, etc. 

The complexity involved in becoming a writer means that we want to help each student to find the simplest writing tool for them. We want to make their writing tool something that uses minimal physical and cognitive energy so that they can focus on all the other aspects of writing development. In the link below, you can view the range of special needs tools.

The Manaiakalani Data, tells us that writing is an area that as a whole most schools are do very well in. At Sommerville this is an area that majority of our students have difficulties with.

I will be embracing the Manaiakalani Pedagogy of Learn, Create, Share to reflect on my inquiry. I began with LEARN and will add Create and Share as I progress.

Focusing Inquiry
Possible Actions
Focusing Inquiry
“What is important (and therefore worth spending time on) given where my students are at?”

Achievement Challenge 5

Improve the achievement of students with additional needs in the learning areas of English/key competency using language symbols and texts

In 2019 for my inquiry I will be focusing on how the Key Competencies (Managing Self and Relating to Others) increase student engagement and improve writing outcomes for students aged 5-12.
Gather evidence
Since the beginning of the year,
I have collected Anecdotal evidence eg. Students work samples, observations, formative assessment tasks, student voice and  parent voice,
Because all my students are working within level one of the curriculum, I will be using the developmental writing scale to see where my students are at. This writing scale has been so helpful, because it is the first to accommodate students who are using an alternative pencil. (Egs in my previous posts)
These are some comments from a  few of my parents:
  • ’I would just like to see my child pick up a pen and write.’
  • ‘When will my child write his name on his work.’
  • ‘I write letters to my child, I would like her to write back.’
  • ‘I would like my child to write a simple thank you note to his grandparents.’
Comments from Students:
  • ‘I can’t write’
  • ‘I want to talk not write’
  • ‘I can’t spell’
  • ‘You write for me.’
  • ‘I don’t know what to say.’
Identify Trends

In special education, due to the complex needs of students, families would like to see their children write for real reasons.
Most students lack imagination and need a purpose to write.
One of the biggest challenges I’ve noticed is that writing:
  • needs to have a purpose for our students, if not, they are not motivated to write.
  • Students need to know that they are communicating a message.
  • Every child needs a writing tool and the alphabet.
  • Most see writing as a motor task, where they are copying, instead of writing.
Hypothesis (Hunch)

Whenever we write, we need to think of an idea, then think of the language to describe the idea, then we need to think of the words and how to spell them- and finally we have to select the letters for each word. In the beginning each of  these skills takes a lot of effort and planning.
I plan on using a range of special education pedagogy and managing self strategies when working with students.
Sally Clendon and Jane Farrall’s research and work on teaching writing to children with  special needs has been really helpful.

Ongoing reflection on the work that I am doing. Consultation with staff and colleagues. Looking at what the research says. Adaptations will be made as needed.

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